Hy-Line Brown

Hy-Line Brown is the world’s most balanced brown egg layer. She produces more than 480 rich brown eggs to 100 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with unrivaled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market and excellent livability give the Hy-Line Brown the perfect balance, which means more profit for the poultry producer.  

The Hy-Line Brown Max is a robust producer of large, dark brown, strong-shelled eggs to 90 weeks of age and beyond. She produces upwards of 481 eggs per hen-housed to 100 weeks of age, maintaining a high rate of persistency of lay. The Hy-Line Brown Max passes the 60 gram egg threshold quickly in the lay cycle to provide the optimum egg size for profitability. These traits combined with a superior feed efficiency and excellent nesting behavior for cage free environments makes the Hy-Line Brown Max the profitable choice for markets requiring a robust layer and demand a very dark shell color.

Hy-Line Brown Literature


Brown Variety Online Management Guides